That’s when the honeymoon is over…Your baby is feeding frequently and for long periods of time. Their sleep patterns have miraculously changed and the baby is awake all night, crying more often. You feel, “What have I done wrong? You were so perfect in the hospital!” The answer is, “Absolutely nothing!” This is, fortunately, or unfortunately, normal.

Feeding at Home Vs. In the Hospital

Whether babies are exhausted from the long journey into this world, sleeping heavily because of the hum of activity in the nursery, or because they are being held against your warm body, babies generally sleep well in the hospital. Moms who have had C-sections are often more realistic in their expectations once they go home because they are in the hospital a bit longer, which means that their babies “wake up” while they’re in the hospital. Once they come home, everything changes: Feedings are much more frequent and last longer, and sleep patterns adjust because of the new schedule. Some babies feed for what may seem like hours and then sleep for many hours. Once the milk comes in, patterns change yet again!

Common Breastfeeding Issues

Aside from physical exhaustion kicking in, sore nipples continue to be the most common issue in the first days and even weeks postpartum. At this stage, even with a properly latched baby, nipple sensitivity is still prevalent because of postpartum hormonal changes. However, if nipples are cracked, bleeding, or blistering, the latch-on needs help. Contact a lactation consultant immediately. Jaundice is common in breastfed babies. However, by breastfeeding frequently (at least eight to 10 times a day) in the first three days of life, you can greatly reduce the chances that your baby will require higher intervention, such as phototherapy (going under bilirubin lights.) Sleepiness may also prevail…

Waking a Sleeping Baby

Your body is in the process of building a milk supply that will fully sustain your baby and your baby needs frequent feedings for her growth and development. It is essential for both the establishment of your milk supply and the baby’s nutrition to continue to wake the baby if he is not waking himself.

Establishing a Milk Supply

At this stage, you will notice your breasts becoming fuller and heavier. Your milk is coming in! Your milk is changing from colostrum to transitional milk and you will notice the color changing from a clear, yellowish fluid (colostrum) to a thicker white (transitional milk). Continue to breastfeed (or, if necessary, pump) every 2 to 3 hours to stimulate supply. If you haven’t seen any physical changes in supply at this point, don’t stress. Monitor the baby’s output and continue to feed frequently and stimulate every two to three hours. You should see changes in the next few days. If not, you should be seen by a lactation consultant to assess the situation.

Early-Stage Breastfeeding Tips

Keep plugging away! Sore nipples, sleepy babies – it will all subside within the next week if you’re consistent about proper latch-on and frequent feedings. Some breast discomfort will probably make its appearance as your milk comes in. However, with frequent feedings, you can avoid severe engorgement. So try your best to be persistent and consistent to avoid the problem.