Math Skills a First Grader Is Expected to Learn

In general, your child will be expected to perform the tasks on this list by the end of first grade.

Numbers and Counting

Count by 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, and 25s past 100Read, write, and understand numbers to 999Identify numbers in the ones and then tens place in a two-digit numberDemonstrate an understanding of the parts-to-whole relationship by modeling simple fractions (1/2, 1/4, and whole) using manipulatives and pictures

Classifying and Estimating

Classify familiar two- and three-dimensional objects by common attributes (color, position, shape, size, roundness, number of corners) and explain which attributes are being used to classify the objectsEstimate answers to addition or subtraction problems and then solve the problem and compare the answer to the estimation (Ex: How many quarters do you need to buy an ice cream bar that costs $1.25?)Estimate number of objects in a collection (i.e. number of circles on a page, number of marshmallows in a bag, etc.)

Shapes, Graphs and Data Analysis

Identify and describe one- and two-dimensional objects (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, spheres, cylinders, rectangular prisms, pyramids, cones, and cubes)Identify, describe, and extend simple repeating patterns (i.e. 1, 3, 5 — next number is 7Collect and organize data and record it in tally charts, tables, bar graph, and line graphs

Measuring and Comparing

Measuring in standard and non-standard unitsCompare volume of liquids in containers of different sizesCompare the length, weight, and volume of two or more objects by using direct comparison or a nonstandard unitDemonstrate an understanding of the concepts of less than, equal to, or greater than by comparing and ordering whole numbers to 100 using the symbols for those concepts (<, =, >)Identify one more than, one less than, 10 more than, and 10 less than some other numberOrder objects by weight from lightest to heaviest

Time and Money

Count combination of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies to at least $1.00Tell time to the nearest quarter-hour on both a digital and analog clockRelate time to events (longer, shorter, before, after)Read a calendar and identify the month, date, and days of the week

Adding and Subtracting

Add and subtract to and from 30Add three one-digit numbersSolve addition and subtraction problems with one- and two-digit numbersDemonstrate an understanding of mathematical symbols (+, -, =)Create and solve problems with a known answer (i.e. 3 + __ = 5)Solve simple story problems

What Should You Do If Your Child Can Perform These Tasks Before First Grade?

Some mathematically gifted children may be able to perform some of the tasks on this list before the end of first grade. For instance, they may be able to add and subtract single-digit numbers in their heads. Some may even be able to add and subtract double-digit numbers in their heads. And a few are even able to do some of it before they enter kindergarten. If your child is one of those kids who can perform these tasks (and possibly more) and is not yet in first grade, you have a few options. One is to keep your child where he is in school and provide enrichment at home. If your child is happy where he is and is not complaining about or frustrated by any lack of challenge, this could be a good option. However, if your child needs the challenge at school, you have a couple of other options to try, depending on what the school has to offer and is willing to do for your child, as well as what your child’s overall strengths are. If your child is advanced in math, but not in other areas, you can see if the teacher can provide some differentiated instruction in math. Your child’s school might also have a pullout program that provides kids with enrichment and challenge in specific areas, such as math. If your child is globally gifted, you might try to explore the possibility of a grade skip. Keep in mind that your child should be socially and emotionally prepared to be with older children (most are) for this option to work. Chances are that you won’t have much of a choice. Not all teachers differentiate and not all schools have pullout programs. And most schools seem to resist grade skipping. That means that you may be looking at supplementing your child’s learning at home. However, your chances are better if you can document what your child is able to do in math and show it to the school officials.