Some states won’t allow a teen to get a tattoo or a body piercing regardless of parental consent, while a few states don’t have any rules. That means your teen may be able to walk into a salon and get a tattoo or piercing without your knowledge. So it’s important to talk about these procedures to keep your teen safe.

What You Need to Know

Some states have specific rules about types of piercings. So while ear piercing may be legal for a minor (anyone under 18), a tongue piercing may require parental consent. Sometimes a parent has to be present along with giving consent, but not always. Unfortunately, not all tattoo artists or body piercers follow the law. Some of them may be willing to tattoo your teen or give them a nose ring without your consent. If they do this, though, they could face fines or even lose their license.

State Laws

Laws change often, so it’s important to educate yourself about the latest regulations in your state. Here are the current state laws:


Minors need the written consent of a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo.


Minors may not receive tattoos.Written parental permission is required for body piercing and a parent or legal guardian must be present during the procedure.


A parent or legal guardian must be present for a minor to receive a piercing or tattoo.


Minors need the written consent of a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo, and a parent or guardian must be present.


It is illegal to tattoo a minor.The presence or notarized consent of a parent or legal guardian is required to receive a piercing other than an ear piercing.


Minors need written consent from a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo.


Minors need the written consent of a parent or legal guardian to receive a tattoo (the department of public health does not regulate body piercing).


Minors need written consent from a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo.


Minors need the written, notarized consent of a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo.


Tattooing of a minor must be done by a licensed osteopath or technician acting under the direct supervision of a licensed physician or osteopath.For a piercing, a minor must have written informed consent from a parent or legal guardian.


Minors need the written consent of a parent or legal guardian to receive a tattoo.No current age limits on piercings.


No tattooing, branding, or body piercing of minors under the age of 14.For minors aged 14 to 18 to get a piercing or tattoo, a parent or legal guardian must be present and give written consent.


Minors may not be at a tattoo shop without a parent or legal guardian. Minors may not receive a tattoo.


Minors need written consent to receive a piercing or tattoo, and a parent or legal guardian must be present.


It is illegal to tattoo a minor.There are no laws on body piercing.


Minors need written, notarized consent and the presence of a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo.


Minors need written, notarized consent from a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo.


A parent or legal guardian must be present for a minor to receive a piercing or tattoo.


It is illegal to tattoo a minor.Minors need the written consent of a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing.


There are currently no laws regarding age limits for tattoos or body piercing.


There are currently no laws regarding age limits for tattoos or body piercing.


Minors need written informed consent from a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing.Consent must be given in person.


It is illegal to tattoo a minor.A minor needs witnessed written consent from a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing. No genital or nipple piercings, branding, scarification, suspension, subdermal implantation, microdermal, or tongue bifurcation is allowed on minors.


It is illegal to tattoo or body pierce a minor.


Minors need the written consent of a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo.The consent must be given in person.


Minors need the written consent of a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo.The consent must be given in person.


A minor needs the written consent of a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo.


There are currently no laws on age limits for tattoos or body piercing.The state does not regulate tattoo or piercing shops.

New Hampshire

Minors need the written consent and presence of a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing.

New Jersey

Tattoos require written permission from a minor’s parent or legal guardian.

New Mexico

Minors need written consent and a parent or guardian present during a tattoo or piercing.

New York

It is illegal to tattoo a minor.Written parental consent is needed for piercings.

North Carolina

It is illegal to tattoo or body pierce a minor.

North Dakota

Minors need the written consent and presence of a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo.


The parent or guardian must sign a consent form and appear in person at the time a procedure is performed.


It is illegal to tattoo a minor.A minor needs the presence and written consent of the parent or legal guardian to receive a body piercing.


A parent or guardian must give written consent and present proof of identity.Minors can only be tattooed with the authorization of a physician.


Minors need the written consent and presence of a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo.

Rhode Island

Minors need the presence of the parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing.Minors cannot be tattooed.

South Carolina

Minors under the age of 18 may not get a tattoo without parental consent.A parent or guardian must either give written, notarized consent for a body piercing or be present during the procedure.

South Dakota

Minors need written consent from a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo.


A minor older than 16 may get a tattoo to cover an existing tattoo. Their parent or legal guardian must be present.Minors need written consent and the presence of the parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing.


Minors need written consent and the presence of the parent or legal guardian to receive a tattoo. The adult must believe it is “in the best interest” of the minor and tattoos can only be done to cover an “obscene or offensive” existing tattoo.


Minors need the consent of a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo.


Minors need the written consent of a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo.


Minors need the presence of the parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo (excludes ear piercing).


It is illegal to tattoo a minor.Currently, there are no laws on age limits for body piercing.

West Virginia

Minors need the written consent of a parent or legal guardian to receive a tattoo.Currently, there are no laws on age limits for body piercing.


It is illegal to tattoo a minor, with the exception of a physician in the course of their professional practice.No current laws on age limits for body piercing.


Minors need verbal consent from a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo and the parent or guardian must be present.

States that require written consent for body art have safeguards in place to prevent forgeries. If you are giving written consent, you may need to document exactly what you are consenting to. For example, you may need to say what tattoo you consent your teen to get and where it will be. For piercings, you may need to document the type and location of the piercing. Contact the establishment ahead of time to discuss what your teen will need to get a tattoo or piercing if you are not going to be present. 


Tattoo and body piercing shops are regulated by the government. However, that doesn’t mean all shops are created the same. It’s important to make sure an establishment is following proper procedures. Check to see if the shop looks clean. Ask about the professional’s license, training, and experience. Don’t be shy about asking questions before making any decisions. You also might ask to observe what goes on in the shop when someone else gets a piercing or tattoo.

Talk to Your Teen

If you think your teen may be tempted to get some body art or body modification, talk about it. Rather than simply forbidding it, learn why your teen is interested in a tattoo or specific piercing.

Ask how equipment and surfaces are sanitized.Ask where the business gets their ink to ensure that their supplier follows FDA guidelines.Make sure clean needles are being used.See if the tattoo artist wears clean gloves.

For a piercing:

Ask about the type of jewelry used for piercings and how you can trust that it’s sanitary.Find out how equipment is sterilized.Make sure sterile needles are used and disposed of after each piercing.

Be willing to listen to your teen’s opinions and ideas, even if you don’t agree with them. After they have stated their case, you can share your opinion.  Educate yourself about the potential risks and talk to your teen about the dangers, such as infection, as well as the social consequences. A facial piercing may affect their ability to get a job or a tattoo may limit employment opportunities.

A Word From Verywell

If you aren’t comfortable with the idea of your teen getting a tattoo or piercing, you might be able to settle on an alternative option, like a henna tattoo or an extra ear piercing. But if you can’t find a compromise and you’re not willing to give in, make sure your teen is informed. With information about the available options and the pros and cons of each, your child can make an educated decision. Whether or not you agree with their choice, you’ll be able to rest assured that you did your job as a parent by providing guidance to your teen.