The Stepping Reflex in Newborns

The stepping reflex is just one of many involuntary movements newborns make when learning to adjust to their new world outside of the womb. And it doesn’t last forever. Like other newborn reflexes, these motions typically disappear by two months of age.

Other Types of Newborn Reflexes

Palmar Grasp: This reflex enables your little one to curl his fingers around your finger or object. It can be triggered by stroking his palm with your finger. Plantar Grasp: Watch your little one spread open his toes and turn his foot inward after you stroke the sole of his foot. Moro Reflex (or Startle Reflex): When triggered by a loud noise or other environmental stimuli, your newborn will extends his arms, legs and fingers and arch.  Rooting Reflex: With a simple stroke of a cheek, your newborn will open his mouth, turning your head toward the side that was stroked in search of the breast or bottle to begin feeding.  Sucking Reflex: Touching the roof of your baby’s mouth with your finger, a pacifier or a nipple will prompt your infant to begin sucking.  Tonic Neck Reflex (or Fencing Reflex): Place your baby on his back and he’ll likely assume the “fencing position.” His head will turn with the arm and leg of one side extended (the pair on the side he’s turned toward) and his other arm and leg will be flexed.

Are you concerned that your little one is missing one of these reflexes? Or, perhaps, the movement seems weak. Contact your pediatrician. Birth traumas, medications, and illness can cause problems with newborn development. Conversely, if your infant does not outgrow one of these responses, it could also signal brain or nervous system damage.  Now that you have a better understanding of the stepping reflex (along with other newborn reflexes), you might also be interested in reading about a few other common baby moves and sounds, like normal newborn breathing patterns.