But a new study finds that exclusive breastfeeding of children that are genetically susceptible to obesity may have a beneficial effect on their body mass index later in life. 

Study Findings

The study, which was conducted on a group of 5,266 children, found that exclusively breastfeeding a baby for the first five months of life had a “substantial effect in decreasing BMI among children at higher genetic risks.” The bad news, however, is that babies who were exclusively breastfed for the first three months of life, or were mixed fed (fed a combination of formula and breastmilk) did not enjoy the same protective benefits. Despite being a flawed measure, BMI is widely used today in the medical community because it is an inexpensive and quick method for analyzing potential health status and outcomes. With the majority of maternity leaves in the US coming to an end around a baby’s third month of life, moms may need greater workplace support to continue breastfeeding in an attempt to hit this critical milestone. 

Childhood Obesity in America

The latest findings by the CDC indicate that more than 13 million kids in the US are obese, which is defined as having a BMI at or above the ninety-fifth percentile among other kids of the same age and gender. Obesity, even in childhood, can lead to life-threatening conditions like diabetes and heart disease.  Experts point to the prevalence of processed foods, increased amount of time spent playing video games or watching TV, and obesity among parents as some of the top causes of childhood obesity. Hannah Gentile, a pediatric nutritionist and positive psychology practitioner and owner of the website Empowered Mother says, “If close family members like Mom, Dad, siblings or grandparents are overweight or obese or have struggled with weight management, that’s a good hint that baby will have a similar genetic susceptibility.”  Of the many initiatives set forth in the United States to curb childhood obesity, breastfeeding is one that can start at day one of life, and set your baby up for a lifetime of healthy habits. And there’s a chance it can help keep your child’s BMI in check, even if there is a genetic component present in your family. 

Why Does Breastfeeding Cut Down on Obesity Rates?

At first, the connection between exclusive breastfeeding and reduced obesity might seem fuzzy at best. But there are two main reasons why babies who only breastfeed might have a lower BMI later in life. First, says Gentile, “breastmilk positively influences gut bacteria. Basically, it supports the growth of healthy bacteria living within all of our digestive systems." These gut bacteria are partially responsible for things like energy metabolism, gene functioning, and immune system function. The second way exclusive breastfeeding can lead to lower BMI later in life has less to do with chemistry and more to do with mechanics. If you think about how breastfeeding works, it’s clear that your baby is in charge of how much he eats, and when. The baby eats on demand, and over time, the amount of milk that’s produced perfectly aligns with the baby’s demand. “When a baby is bottle-fed, parents often feel compelled to have the baby ‘finish’ the bottle, even if the amount supplied was more than the baby needed. This can essentially provide feedback to the baby’s body that they should keep eating even if they aren’t hungry,” says Aubrey Phelps, MS, RDN, LDN, IFNCP, PPCES, Functional Perinatal and Pediatric Nutritionist.

What Can Parents Do to Curb Obesity in Genetically Predisposed Children?

If there’s any good news here, it’s that there are certainly plenty of other things you can do to prevent obesity in your little ones, even if you and your partner struggle with weight issues, and even if you don’t exclusively breastfeed. According to Phelps, many of her recommendations are the same things anyone should do, regardless of weight concerns. Here are some things you can put into practice to give your kids the best start possible when it comes to lifelong health. 

Be a role model for healthy eating. Incorporate plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables into your family’s diet. Make it fun by allowing your kids to choose a few recipes to try. Limit processed, high sugar, and saturated fat foods. With high levels of salt, sugar, and fat, these foods are almost always the culprit behind childhood obesity.Get kids active. Get them involved in sports at a young age, and show an interest in their sport. Do family activities together such as a family bike ride, walk places where you can, and set up fun physical activity games at home. Don’t make a fuss about food. Food should not be used as a reward. Your time, or a fun activity for the kids, should be rewards. Food is for nourishment, not punishment.

But if you find yourself in a position where you’re able to exclusively breastfeed for longer than the national average, know that your baby will enjoy many benefits—one of which may be a healthier BMI later in life.  The Real Link Between Breastfeeding and Preventing Obesity (Harvard Health)