I Went To…

Recite a long list of items and then add one, alphabetically, for the next player to remember.

“I went to the zoo, and I saw an anteater, a bear, a crocodile, a deer, an elephant, and … a ferret!”

Sneakily strengthens:

Vocabulary Phonics Memory

Five ways to tweak it:

I Spy

Spot something in plain sight and reveal one detail, making the other player guess what it is.

“I spy, with my little eye, something that begins with J.”

Sneakily strengthens:

Receptive languageExpressive languageDeductive reasoning

Five ways to tweak it:

Twenty Questions

Pick a person, place, or thing and give the other player 20 yes-or-no tries at guessing what it is.

“I’m thinking of something.” “Is it a person?” “No.” “Is it a place?” “Yes.”

Sneakily strengthens:

Receptive languageExpressive languageDeductive reasoning

Five ways to tweak it:

Tongue Twisters

Say super strenuous sentences stuffed with silly speech sounds.

“How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?”

Sneakily strengthens:

ArticulationSpeech speedSense of humor

Five ways to tweak it:

Silly Songs

Sing the same lyrics over and over and over, with minor variations and changes in volume.

“B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O! And Bingo was its name-O!”

Sneakily strengthens:


Five ways to tweak it: