How Often to Breastfeed Newborns

So you realize you might need to wake your baby for feedings, but how often? If you have a freshly born baby who is still below their birth weight, it is very important that you breastfeed them often. Many lactation consultants will advise that you aim to feed at least 10 to 12 times in a 24 hour period. Another way to think of it is to nurse about every 2 hours during the day with no longer than 4 hour stretches at night. Cluster feeding is when a baby feeds as often as every 45 minutes to an hour for a period of several hours. Think of it as your baby’s attempt to tank up for the night. It helps stimulate your milk supply, encourages weight gain, and also may get your baby to sleep a bit longer (bonus!).

Once Birth Weight Returns

Typically, babies lose up to 7% in the first week and should return to birth weight by the end of the second week. Once your baby returns back to their birth weight and has established a good weight gain pattern, you can relax quite a bit. Rather than feeding by set periods of time, you can switch to feeding on demand. The only caution with that recommendation is your baby still doesn’t know days from nights. That means they may sleep for longer stretches during the day and shorter stretches at night. Newborns need to be fed every 3 hours during the day, so you may need to wake your baby from daytime naps to feed them. Although your baby is not likely to establish a circadian rhythm (where they naturally sleep more at night) until they are 3 to 5 months old, keeping them stimulated and feeding often during the day might help you avoid more frequent night wakings.

Scheduled Feedings

Some parents would argue that all babies should be put on scheduled feedings, pacing feeds at set periods of time. The key here is for you to determine the difference between honest-to-goodness hunger cues and the typical fussiness that nearly all babies experience. You don’t need to feed your baby at every whimper or hiccup, but certainly, do feed her when it is clear to you that she is hungry. Additionally, a way to avoid fussiness in older babies is to address their hunger needs.