This is often used as a breastfeeding position. It is also a great position for skin-to-skin contact. The comfort of this position depends on how long your arms are. A variation is to place the supporting hand between the baby’s legs for a more secure grip. You can also bounce your legs a bit for added help in gas relief. This is a great way for your baby to look around, and it gives you a free hand. You can also combine this with the use of a sling or other baby carrier. Babies sleep well in this position, too. It also allows them to hear your heart beating and breathing. This is a great position for almost any age. As the baby grows, the need for support is less and less. Your rules may include:

Washing your hands before holding the babyNo holding the baby standing upNo holding the baby if you’re sickHolding the babies one at a time (for twins)No holding the baby without an adult present (for older siblings)

A Word From Verywell

Holding a baby is natural, but those who are not familiar with it may need gentle correction to do it safely. Take the time to show your kids, partner, and friends the correct ways to cradle your child.