Here are some fun games that will keep you both from going stir crazy. Your gear should include crumpled up pieces of newspaper (ball) (cover with aluminum foil if it won’t stay together), an empty paper towel roll (bat) and some pillows to serve as bases. Move the coffee table in the living room so you have enough space and play ball! Take a long pole (a yardstick will do) and tie a string with a magnet attached to the end. Let your child “go fishing.” Let them complete each activity as they reel in their catch. Fun games include:

Beanbag Toss: Set up a series of targets to throw a beanbag into—you can use a laundry basket, pots, bowls even your shoes. Stagger the goals at different distances and see who can hit their mark the most.Beanbag Balance: Who can walk the farthest with a beanbag or two on their head? On their elbow? On their knee? Can you run with a beanbag on all of these body parts? Can you jump?Beanbag Throw: See how many times your preschooler can clap their hands in between throwing and catching the beanbag. Can they do it with their eyes closed?