We reached out to yoga and fitness experts to find out which prenatal yoga poses are the most beneficial. “Poses that build your strength and awareness in areas that you will need for delivery and care-taking of an infant are important,” Leah Keller, the founder of Every Mother and a certified personal trainer tells us. Essential prenatal yoga poses include, “strong standing poses that build strength in the hamstrings, quads, glutes, legs, hips, and core, and balancing poses,” Keller says. “Poses that build strength and mobility in your upper body will also be important after birth.”

Prenatal Yoga vs. Regular Yoga

Prenatal yoga is a specific style of yoga designed for expecting women. The poses, which are regular yoga poses or modified versions, are meant to support your body during pregnancy and prepare you for childbirth. Poses are generally safe for any pregnant woman and the instructor will sometimes offer several variations depending upon which trimester you are in. You won’t see poses that are difficult to get in and out of in prenatal yoga, particularly not if there is a fall risk. That doesn’t mean you can’t do any challenging poses during pregnancy if you have done them before, but you will want to assess the fall risk to protect both yourself and your baby. The pace of prenatal yoga is also slower and props may be used, especially for women further along in their pregnancies. Whether you take a regular yoga class or a prenatal class is mostly up to you. If you choose regular yoga, it is best to let your instructor know that you are pregnant and how far along you are, so they can offer modifications as needed. Hot yoga, however, should be avoided during all trimesters of pregnancy.

Builds pelvic strengthCreates an easier postpartum recoveryIncreases blood circulationReduces anxietyPrepares the body for childbirthReduces lower back pain

Many pregnant women prefer prenatal yoga because the pace is slower and because the poses are selected specifically with their needs in mind. Search for a prenatal yoga class in your area or look into online classes that you can do from the comfort of your own home. If yoga is not something that was part of your routine before pregnancy, it is advisable to stick with prenatal yoga. Moreover, always talk with your healthcare provider before beginning a new exercise routine.

Prenatal Yoga Poses to Support Childbirth

Childbirth is a demanding physical activity that takes plenty of strength and endurance. Practicing yoga while you are pregnant may help prepare you for smoother labor with fewer complications like tearing. Try these standing poses in your prenatal yoga routine:

Warrior II

Warrior II strengthens the legs and supports circulation throughout the pelvis. Stronger legs give you better stability at a time when your balance is likely thrown off by your baby bump and prepares you for the physical demands of labor and delivery. How to do Warrior II:

Chair Pose

Chair pose strengthens your hips and legs, better preparing your body for childbirth. If you feel unsteady in this pose, you can modify it by spacing your feet wider than your hip’s width for better balance. How to do chair pose:

Crescent Lunge

Crescent lunge can feel amazing if pregnancy has your hips feeling tight. Flexible hips also help to support your body during labor. If you feel lightheaded when you raise your arms above your head in this pose, try interlacing them behind your back instead. How to do crescent lunge:

Triangle Pose

Triangle pose gives you strong and flexible legs to support you through childbirth, and it also strengthens your back muscles and spine, helping to prevent back pain caused by the weight of your baby bump. How to do triangle pose:

Side Angle Pose

Side angle pose helps to strengthen your legs and improve balance. Strong legs will assist you throughout childbirth; and you may be glad you have them after the baby is born too, when your walking and bouncing your newborn to soothe them. Pregnancy throws off your balance, so poses that improve balance are important to help you avoid falls. How to do side angle pose: Pregnancy will naturally change your center of balance, so it may be wise to take some extra precautions to avoid falling in these poses. “You may modify [this pose] by using a wall or a chair to hold onto,” suggests Aylin Guvenc, a prenatal yoga and pilates instructor with Every Mother. “You may also try propping yourself with blocks under the hands for triangle and side angle.”

Balance Poses to Practice While Pregnant

Balance poses also can help to prepare your body for labor by bringing a stronger sense of balance into both your body and your mind. Balance poses for prenatal yoga include:

Tree Pose

Tree pose works on physical balance and mental focus. It also gives you a nice hip stretch, bringing relief if pregnancy has your hips feeling tight. If your belly feels like it is in the way in this pose, simply place your foot a little lower down your opposite thigh. How to do tree pose:

Extended Hand to Foot Pose

Extended hand to foot is a good balance pose for earlier on in pregnancy, especially the second trimester. It builds balance, strength, and flexibility, and it can feel meditative. How to do extended hand to foot pose: You can modify by holding on to a bar, wall, or piece of furniture if needed. You also can sit down on the floor and extend you leg at a slight angle if your belly is blocking you in the front later in pregnancy.

Warrior III

Warrior III adds a new element to balance by having you lean forward with one leg extended back. It also can bring relief by letting your belly hang toward the floor in this pose. How to do warrior III:

Eagle Pose

Eagle pose works on balance while also helping to relieve a stiff neck and shoulders. How to do eagle pose: If you want the shoulder stretch but you aren’t feeling steady enough in the leg balance pose, you can do this pose down on your knees or standing with your feet a hip’s width apart.

Half Moon Pose

Half moon pose is a balance pose done leaning forward that also gently stretches the hip flexors. This pose is ideal during pregnancy because it can be done with as much or as little intensity as you wish. How to do half moon pose: When practicing these kinds of poses, even an experienced yogi is advised to implement extra safety precautions to avoid falling. For the extended hand-to-foot pose, Guvenc advises pregnant people to use a steady surface for support and a strap. You also can hold onto the underside of the thigh as you balance on the opposite foot. 

Poses to Prepare You for Infant Care

Taking care of a newborn baby is a beautiful thing but it is also a lot of work. As simple as feeding, soothing, and changing these tiny humans sounds, repeatedly going through the motions can definitely take a physical toll of your body. Strengthening the arms, shoulders, and core can help you prepare for the early days of infant care. Practicing these yoga poses can make caring for your newborn a bit easier on your body:

Eagle Arms

Eagle pose opens the shoulder blades and strengthens the arms and shoulders. When you are carrying your newborn around all day, you will glad your shoulders are strong. Continuing this pose postpartum will also help relieve shoulder tension caused by baby carriers or wraps. How to do eagle pose:

Dolphin Pose

Dolphin pose strengthens and stretches the shoulders, arms, upper back, and legs. Sitting and feeding a baby every two to three hours around the clock can put a major strain on these muscles, so keeping them strong will make a big difference. This pose also helps relieve headaches and fatigue. How to do dolphin pose:

Modified Plank

Modified planks can be safe and beneficial during pregnancy if you do them correctly. Planks support your pelvic floor muscles and lower back, aiding in your postpartum recovery period. You can also:

Downward Facing Dog

The downward facing dog can help to relieve the lower back strain that comes with both pregnancy and carrying or feeding an infant in your arms. Down dog can also relieve headaches and lower stress. How to do down dog:

Safety Considerations

Yoga has many benefits in pregnancy but there are some safety considerations to keep in mind. It is important to stay hydrated, including pre-hydrating before you practice. And of course, always check with your healthcare provider first, especially if you have a high-risk pregnancy. While pregnant, refrain from practicing:

Poses that put pressure on the abdomen Deep twists Lying flat on your back (later on in pregnancy) Hot yoga, in all trimesters but especially in the first trimester

Always listen to your body when practicing yoga while pregnant. It will tell you how deep you can go into the pose and when to pause for breath. Keller also emphasizes the importance of learning to use the pelvic floor and the entire core to support any pose you choose to do while you are expecting.

Crow pose Shavasana Sit-ups or crunches Supine spinal twist