How Pregnancy Happens

Pregnancy naturally occurs when sperm cells enter the vagina and then travel through the cervix and uterus to the fallopian tubes, where an egg is fertilized. The average ejaculation typically contains anywhere from around 40 million up to 80 million sperm cells. Only one sperm cell is needed to fertilize an egg. So while it is rare and very unlikely, if any sperm gets into the vagina, you can still technically get pregnant. Additionally, it’s not clear whether pre-ejaculate (the liquid produced before ejaculation) can cause pregnancy. Some studies have found that pre-ejaculate does not contain any sperm, but others have detected live sperm in this fluid.

How You Can Tell If You Are Pregnant

A pregnancy test is the best way to tell if you are pregnant or not, though you must wait until you miss your period in order to get the most accurate results. In some cases, testing may be positive before a missed period if you take a test too soon. You can purchase an at-home pregnancy test from your local convenience store. If this yields a positive result, call your doctor to schedule an in-office pregnancy test, conducted via a blood test.

How to Best Protect Yourself From Pregnancy

If you want to avoid getting pregnant, it’s important to find a method of birth control. There are many options available to you. Birth control pills (oral contraceptives) are one of the most common methods of birth control for women. Forms of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), such as the intrauterine device (IUD), an injection, or an implant, are also potential options. Because they remove the possibility of user error, they are considered the most effective form of birth control beyond abstinence. There are also foams, patches, diaphragms, and more.

Choosing a Birth Control Option

Some birth control options are more effective than others, and no method is 100% effective. Lifestyle and personal factors may also come into play. Part of choosing a birth control method is finding one you feel comfortable with. Ask your midwife, doctor, or local health department for advice on the method that is best for you. 

Use a Barrier Method

You should also use a barrier method (such as a male or female condom) alongside any other form of birth control. This protects you from sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

A Word From Verywell

Do not feel alone if you find yourself seeking answers to questions about sex and pregnancy. Educating yourself and debunking misconceptions is key to optimizing your health and preventing an unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted infection.