But you may be worried about whether baby loungers are safe for infants. The answer is both yes and no. While it’s completely fine to let your baby relax in the cushiony nest of a baby lounger while you are with them, you don’t want to use them for sleep. If you are using a baby lounger, you’ll want to take a few precautions to ensure you use them with your baby’s safety in mind. Here’s what you need to know about baby loungers.

What Is a Baby Lounger?

A baby lounger is a cushion or nest that hugs and supports your baby. These devices can soothe and relax your baby while allowing you to multitask or just take a break. You also can position a play gym over the lounger to stimulate your infant’s visual exploration. “Baby loungers can be used for floor time play, for nursing, or for tummy time…but they must only be used supervised,” says pediatrician Elham Raker, MD.

Dangers of Baby Loungers

Baby loungers are safe to use as long as the infant is closely supervised and remains awake. The lounger also should be placed on the floor, rather than on a bed or table, advises Alisa Baer, MD, a pediatrician and member of the Verywell Family Medical Review Board. A baby lounger also should not be used inside cribs, bassinets, or for co-sleeping. Rolling over, falling asleep, or even tumbling to the floor are the primary hazards when it comes to baby loungers. If an infant rolls onto their stomach, they may be unable to roll back so that they are face up. Also, a child who can roll over on the floor is not necessarily a child who can roll over while in a pillow lounger or rocking device that has side walls. These side walls make it very hard to roll from belly to back. Lacking sufficient neck strength while trapped face down on a soft surface also can put them at risk for suffocation. Because it’s impossible to predict when your baby will roll for the first time, keeping a close eye on them while using a lounger is imperative. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) safe sleep guidelines, an infant’s sleep surface must be firm and free of soft objects or bedding. Because a baby lounger is really just a big, soft object, it does not meet the safe sleep requirements and should never be used for sleep, explains certified pediatric sleep consultant, Heather Wallace. “The safest place for a baby to sleep is alone in a crib without any pillows or blankets,” says Dr. Raker.

What if Your Baby Falls Asleep in a Lounger?

One of the key benefits of baby loungers is the fact that they calm and comfort little ones. But they also can lull your baby to sleep, especially because newborns are often ready to doze off. During the first few months of life, newborns need 16 to 17 hours of sleep per day. But loungers should not be used to reach this goal. Keep in mind, loungers are a little too conducive for sleep sometimes, and falling into a deep slumber may seem to occur so easily in a lounger and yet feel so elusive in a crib. This is normal because babies like to be snuggled and a baby lounger provides that sensation. If your baby is struggling with sleep, resist the urge to use a baby lounger to get them to sleep.

How to Use a Baby Lounger Safely

To use your baby lounger safely make sure you supervise your child. This means that you need to be with your baby at all times while they’re in the lounger. Even going to the bathroom can put your baby at risk, as babies can suffocate in as little as a few minutes. You also want to make sure you’re alert when you put your baby down. If you’re feeling the effects of sleep deprivation and there is a chance of you falling asleep, you should put your baby in a crib, bassinet, or play yard instead. You also can simply narrate your life to your baby, talking through whatever it is that you are doing—like folding laundry or chopping vegetables. Make eye contact with your baby and ensure that they are safe. The key is that you keep your baby in your line of vision at all times.

Finding the Right Baby Lounger

When selecting a baby lounger, consider which types will best meet your family’s needs and budget. Wallace prefers loungers with an incline over the flat types for infants. She says that the inclined support provides babies with more comfort and a new visual perspective, while the flat ones don’t provide enough of a novelty. Some families may prefer natural or organic materials, while others want to go for the best low-budget option. Keep in mind that natural, breathable fabrics can help avoid overheating. There are even waterproof baby loungers if avoiding messes is your priority.

A Word From Verywell

Baby loungers are a great accessory that many parents find useful during the first few months of their baby’s life. They provide you with a soft place to put your baby down while they’re awake and can be particularly handy if you’re recovering from a c-section. You can put your baby in a lounger and still interact with them by reading books to them or playing peek-a-boo. If you’re considering purchasing a baby lounger for your baby, make sure you know what’s involved with using them safely. And, resist the urge to use loungers as a sleep aid. You should always practice safe sleep practices with your little one.