For toddlers, choose books with short sentences and colorful illustrations. For both infants and toddlers, reading the same books over and over will build recognition of concepts and develop an awareness of language and sounds. You can also find catalog pictures of the objects, cut them out and glue them to the index cards for more reinforcement. When your child uses an object in the house, such as a chair, ask her to show you its name. If she needs help, show her the label and say, “This is a chair.” Be positive and smile. Making this fun for both of you is an important way to help your child enjoy learning.  Tactile learners can feel the letters as they learn. Preschoolers can make interesting letters by pasting on pasta, yarn or sequins to the letters. Your child can trace over the letters with her fingers as she learns them if she chooses to do so. Place the cards on the matching objects. As always, cheer your child on for a job well done. When ready, have your child practice making sensory labels with blank cards. Stay positive, even if she chooses the wrong answer. Cheerfully give her the correct card to place on the object. As she develops her skills, you can allow her to choose from three, four, or more cards to identify the object. Create a pile of the missed cards and go over them again with her, having her say the name ​along with you. Practice the missed cards by matching them to the objects and saying the names. Make the activity game-like and praise her efforts. Go through the games listed above while pairing the cards with the cards already mastered. Gradually remove the cards with pictures as your child gains familiarity with the new cards without pictures. Play with the cards for a few minutes two or three times a week. Begin with words and objects that your child can say and are readily available in your home. Over time, your child will begin to read the words independently, and you can add more cards, a few at a time. The important part is to keep it fun. If your child struggles or becomes frustrated, it is time to stop.