Improperly prepared formula could cause malnutrition and illness in infants, making the preparation stage a very important component of feeding your baby. It can be easy to misread or assume that all formulas are alike, this is why it is good to read the instructions with every new can to ensure that you are mixing the formula and water in the right amounts for a proper nutritional experience for your baby.

That it is infant formula and not a toddler version. The nutrients are different. You need to know which type of formula you have: Ready-to-feed Concentrated Powdered That you have all of the supplies you will need.

Once you have determined that you have the right formula and the right supplies it is time to prepare the baby bottle and the infant formula to be fed to the baby. Be sure that the formula instructions say to add water before adding water. Usually, you can tell because concentrated formula looks really dark and is very thick. Gather a baby bottle, the formula and something with which to measure liquid (water). Many people simply use another clean bottle to measure fluids, but it can be anything with appropriate fluid measurements on it. Remember that measuring incorrectly can make your baby sick. Getting too much formula can cause gastrointestinal distress. Getting too much water means that the formula is cut with more water than necessary. This may mean that your baby is not getting enough calories or nutrients and if this were to continue, it may make your baby ill. Frequently using more water than necessary is a step that parents use in order to use less formula, as a cost-savings measure. This is risky because your baby will not feel full and will suffer from nutrient deficiencies. Be sure to check for local and national programs to help assist you in securing more formula for your baby. A great example is the national Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program that is administered locally. For some infants and families, this will be more important. Be sure to check for boil water advisories in your area or know if your baby has special needs that require a higher level of sanitation in the water choice. With the concentrated formula, you can either mix the entire can up to be fed over the course of the day or you can place the opened can back in the refrigerator for use again later. Check the can to see how long the formula is good after you have opened it, it will vary.