Parents and providers should discuss and agree on the planned potty training process. A consistent approach and common encouragement techniques can minimize confusion of a child during this time, and help to set the environment for a successful transition to becoming a big kid!

Be as Consistent as Possible

Consistency is important when potty training so find out what potty your daycare uses. Is it a seat that attaches to an adult toilet or is a small separate potty? Some children potty train using a kid-sized toilet. Others prefer to sit on the regular toilet with a potty seat on top. While it is not insurmountable to have different systems, having the same rules and same equipment certainly can be helpful for a child’s mastery of this process. Parents may even consider purchasing a potty chair (if the provider agrees this is a good idea) for their child’s use while in care that is identical to the one being used at home.

Nap Time Potty Training

What should a child in potty training wear at nap time? Even a mostly-trained child may have accidents at nap time. Opinions vary as to whether a child should have a diaper or pull-up on at nap time, or whether accidents should be allowed to happen to encourage a child to “feel” the outcome. Of course, providers may not be as patient for having to sanitize mats and send home blankets and pillows on a routine basis due to accidents occurring.

Dress Kids in Practical Clothing

Providers have lamented that parents sometimes do not take into consideration that a child in a bodysuit and overalls—no matter how adorable they make look—is incorrectly clothed for potty training. And, many a parent has been alarmed to see their child running around in a long shirt and underwear during these toilet training days while in daycare. The compromise, of course, is practical clothing that can be quickly and easily—and the key word here is QUICKLY—pulled down by a child independently in time to avoid an accident. And, parents, don’t forget! During this training time, please provide the caregiver with at least two sets of extra clothing and preferably a full package of underwear. Initially, a child may start to wet underwear on many occasions, and need to be changed.

Discuss Rewards and Consequences

How is a child rewarded for going potty? Is a reward applied if a child tries? Is a diaper put back on if a child refuses? How are accidents handled? One provider praised a considerate mom for buying a huge supply of stickers, and for rewarding all the kids with one every time her child used the potty. Talk about positive peer reinforcement! The provider was more than happy to dole out the stickers and was thankful that the parent understood that was an expense a provider could not do for every child.

Think About Timing

In general, do not begin toilet training a child right after a big change such moving, divorce or remarriage, ​the birth of a new sibling, a change in caregivers or daycare arrangements, or before a big holiday or event. Also, be sure you’re comfortable with sticking with a schedule and routine once training begins.

Celebrate Together!

A child who becomes toilet training is a major achievement both for the child as well as the caregiver team! A great partnership and unified goals, consistency, and open communication will help to achieve the desired results.