A list of references, with contact information The 21 badges and dates earned Leadership positions A list of all the required documents Signatures of approval from the applicant, his scoutmaster, unit committee chair, council official, Eagle board of review; and scout executive

Academic history: Schools attended and school activities, including leadershipReligious record: Church or temple membership or a “no affiliation” statementExtracurricular activities: Athletics, music, etc.Scouting record: A listing of Cub Scout and Boy Scout involvement, including years, leadership positions, awards, community service projects, Camporee involvement, summer camp, and any High Adventure trek participation.

Description of the various phases of the projectMaterials requiredFunding plansBrief listing of who will work on the projectPotential hazard assessmentBrief description of the difference the project will make for the beneficiariesSignatures of approval from the benefiting organization, scoutmaster, committee chair, and council

Your son should also include copies of any research he did while undertaking the project, whether it was construction plans or pricing data. Include copies of any expense receipts too. Clear plastic binder sleeves are a good way to organize this entire section, by the way. This project breakdown is required for the Eagle binder, but fellow Scouts who participate in the project can use those hours to satisfy their community service hours requirements as well. Your son should make sure a copy of the spreadsheet goes to his troop’s advancement chairman too.