But, for women who fear that they don’t have the time to wait, or for women who have struggled with infertility in the past, the waiting may be more of a concern. Here’s what you need to know about getting pregnant again while you’re breastfeeding.

How Breastfeeding Affects Fertility

It can take a few weeks, a few months, or even longer for your body to become fertile again once you have a baby. After vaginal childbirth, it takes approximately 6 weeks for your body to heal. If you do not breastfeed, you may see the return of your period around this time as well. When your period returns, you can consider yourself fertile and able to conceive your next child. However, if you choose to breastfeed, you may not see the return of your period and your fertility for much longer. You are not likely to get pregnant if these three things are happening at the same time:

You’re breastfeeding exclusively around the clock without giving your child any supplementation Your baby is under 6 months of age Your period has not yet returned 

For many women, the ability to get pregnant returns once breastfeeding is no longer exclusive. By 6 months, your child will start eating solid foods and may also be sleeping through the night. Since you will naturally be breastfeeding less often and going for longer stretches of time between nursing sessions, your fertility may begin to return.

How to Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding

If you don’t want to give up breastfeeding, but you’re anxious to start trying for another baby, you can go ahead and try. If you aren’t finding success, you can cut back on nursing and partially wean the child you’re breastfeeding. Breastfeeding less often, such as only in the morning and at bedtime, may be enough to bring about the return of your period. The compromise also allows you to continue the special breastfeeding relationship that you have with your child. When you stop breastfeeding altogether, menstruation may return within four to eight weeks. However, even after fully weaning some women do not get a menstrual period for months or even longer.

When to See the Doctor

If you are older and more anxious to get pregnant again right away, you may want to talk to your doctor. You should also consult your doctor if you’ve had trouble getting pregnant with the child you’re now breastfeeding, or if you think you will need to use fertility treatments to get pregnant again.

Breastfeeding Through Fertility Treatments

You may be able to continue to breastfeed through certain types of procedures. It depends on your treatment plan, the age of the child you’re breastfeeding, and how often your child is nursing. If your period has returned and your child is older or breastfeeding only a few times each day, you may be able to have the following treatments:

Clomid cycle: You may be able to take Clomid (clomiphene citrate) and continue to breastfeed. Clomid is believed to be safe to take during breastfeeding, but it can decrease your supply of breast milk. Frozen embryo transfer: If you’re going to have a frozen embryo transfer, you only need to prepare the lining of your uterus to accept the embryo. So, depending on the medication that your doctor uses for this procedure, you may be able to continue to breastfeed. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) due to male factor infertility: An insemination does not necessarily require the use of any medication. If your doctor is only monitoring the timing of your natural ovulation for an IUI due to your partner’s low sperm count, there may be no need to stop breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding and Fertility Meds

If you haven’t started to get your period again or you need to take injectable gonadotropin medications for an IUI or in-vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure, your reproductive endocrinologist will almost certainly want you to wean your child completely before beginning treatment. Plus, there really isn’t enough information about the safety of taking many of these fertility medicines while breastfeeding. For most of them, it is not known how much will enter your breast milk and how it can impact your child.

A Word From Verywell

For moms who don’t want to have children very close in age, exclusive breastfeeding can help prevent (but not guarantee) another pregnancy right away. But, when you’re older or have fertility issues and time is of the essence, it can be hard to choose between breastfeeding and trying for your next child. You may not want to give up that special breastfeeding relationship. It’s OK to breastfeed as you try to get pregnant. It may work for you, and everyone is different. So, if you’re having trouble or worried about it, you can talk to your doctor or fertility specialist to get all the information you need and make the best plan for you and your family.