When to Use the Cross-Cradle Hold

The cross-cradle hold for breastfeeding is an easy nursing position to learn. It is a great position when you are first starting out with breastfeeding because it allows you to easily view your nipple and your baby’s mouth. This position also works well for breastfeeding preemies, newborns, or babies who have trouble latching on to the breast. You also may want to use this position if your baby does not have strong sucking skills or is having trouble staying latched.

How to Do the Cross-Cradle Breastfeeding Hold

If you are just learning to breastfeed, it may take a few tries to get your baby latched on. To increase your chances of success, make use of the nurses and lactation consultants in the hospital to help you learn how to establish a good latch.

Your baby’s head needs extra supportYour baby is having trouble staying latchedYour baby does not have strong sucking skillsYour baby was born prematurely or is smallYou and your baby find this position the most comfortable when breastfeeding

With a little practice and solid instructions, you should feel like a pro in no time. But if you are still struggling with getting a good latch or if you are experiencing any other challenges with breastfeeding, make sure you reach out to a lactation consultant. They are a great resource and their services are often provided at no cost. If you need a refresher on how to do the cross-cradle nursing position, or if you are just establishing your breastfeeding relationship and want to give this position a try, use these instructions.

Step-by-Step Instructions for the Cross-Cradle Hold

Begin by sitting comfortably with your baby level with your breast. A nursing pillow such as the My Breast Friend or Ergo Baby Natural Curve can help provide support if you need it. When your baby is latched on correctly, they should be touching your breast from nose to chin. Try not to press your thumb into the breast to make an airway for your baby. This can force the nipple upward and rub it against the roof of your baby’s mouth, causing nipple abrasion. Babies can breathe absolutely fine while nursing and if they are stuffy or otherwise need to take a breath, they will pull off the breast on their own.  If the latch was perfect, when your baby comes off of your breast your nipple will be round, and you will feel comfortable. If your nipple comes out angular or looking like the tip of a new tube of lipstick, and you feel pain, the latch was incorrect. If you aren’t sure what you’re doing wrong, a lactation consultant can help to fix the problem. Additionally, if you feel a pinching feeling while your baby is feeding, you can gently pull down on your baby’s chin while they are still latched on and attempt to flip the baby’s bottom lip out. If this does not work, take your baby off the breast and relatch. Remember, babies do not nipple feed; they breastfeed. As a result, they need to latch on to the underside of the breast.

A Word From Verywell

If you are just starting to breastfeed, you may want to experiment with different breastfeeding positions until you find one that works best for you and your baby—though many people find the cross-cradle hold for breastfeeding easy to use. The key is that you both can relax and enjoy the experience. Ideally, you should not feel uncomfortable or any pain while breastfeeding. Instead, you should be able to relax and enjoy the closeness with your baby.

You feel comfortable and the latch is pain-free.Your baby’s head is straight—not turned to the side—and their chest and stomach rest against your body.Your baby’s mouth opens wide around your breast (not just the nipple) and their chin touches your breast.Your baby’s lips turn out and their tongue cups under your breast.You hear swallowing sounds or you can see your baby swallowing.Your baby’s ears are moving slightly as they feed.

If you do experience pain when your baby is feeding or if you cannot get them to latch on well, you should consider getting help from a healthcare provider or a lactation consultant. They can give you tips on how to get your baby to latch on properly as well as watch your baby nurse to ensure they are getting enough milk. Once solid foods have been introduced, the AAP recommends breastfeeding along with the solids for one year or longer. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or longer. Mechanical issues also may play a role, such as being tongue-tied or having a cleft lip or cleft palate. If your baby is having trouble latching or if you are concerned that they are not getting enough milk, talk to a healthcare provider or get help from a lactation consultant.