While birth plans are not intended to be followed to the letter (mainly because that is usually impossible), the exercise of creating them can prompt you to ask questions and think about all aspects of the birthing experience, including a potential C-section. Additionally, a birth plan can help facilitate communication with your doctor.

Where to Begin

A complete birth plan covers a range of topics, from the desire to use pain medication to preferences for the number of people in the room when you deliver, and more, including your thoughts about a C-section. Again, remember that a birth plan needs to be flexible and should include a range of contingencies and outcomes. Use a bulleted list format for your birth plan and keep things brief. You don’t need to follow a template or get fancy; a simple document will do. Create sections so that the nurses who care for you can quickly find the appropriate part. So, if you end up having a C-section, they can read about your related wishes rather than having to scan through your preferences about baby feeding or when you’d like to go home.

C-Section Birth Plan Topics

There are many topics that you will want to consider adding to your birth plan in relation to a C-section. While some C-sections are done under emergency circumstances, your practitioner will work with you to accommodate your preferences when possible. However, remember that your health and your baby’s health are your medical team’s primary focus. Until you solidify your birth plan, your initial draft can include a mix of both existing wishes and questions that will help you shape your final thoughts. Here are some topics to consider:

Can you have a mirror to watch the birth? Can you have the baby placed on you in the operating room while the surgery is finishing? Are photos permitted? What postpartum pain management options are available? When can you begin breastfeeding (if desired) after the procedure? Who can be with you at the birth? Your partner? Your doula? Who will go with the baby if they need special care?

Sample C-Section Birth Plan

This sample excerpt of a birth plan is an example of one that someone having a planned C-section might create to express their preferences and desires. It is not intended to be a script and should only serve as inspiration for a plan of your own.

A Word From Verywell

Once you have written your full birth plan, ask your doula or childbirth educator to look it over, fill in gaps, or help you clarify your needs. Once you’re ready, show your plan to your doctor and discuss any issues. The finalized document should be given to your obstetrician, the hospital, and perhaps your pediatrician; keep extras in your hospital bag.

No pre-operative medicationsDoula present at all timesSpinal/epidural anesthesiaPartner present at all timesVideos and pictures allowedFree one hand to touch the babyMirror to view the birthBaby on my skin in the ORNo separation of mother and babyPartner to cut the cordBreastfeeding in the recovery roomBreastfeeding onlyNo pacifiers or glucose waterDo not bathe the baby; we’d like to do it later as a familyDuramorph for postpartum painPediatric exams in the mother’s room

Remember that what happens during your birth may stray from your birth plan. Still, setting out your intentions ahead of time is still a worthy exercise, particularly if it gets you to consider multiple possibilities for your birth—and to make peace with whatever may come. Also, even if it doesn’t happen exactly as planned, creating a birth plan gives you a greater sense of control and engagement with the birth itself.