The relationship between twins and multiples is definitely complicated. On the one hand, they are blessed with built-in buddies. Yet they are also subject to constant comparison and competition. Just as in any relationship, there will be tender, loving moments, and times of dissension and disagreement.


The fighting between multiples can be particularly intense. Multiples tend to spend more time together than traditional siblings; they may share a room, have the same friends, and are usually in the same grade. They may even be in the same classroom. Without a birth order dynamic to establish natural boundaries, they have to work harder to gain privacy and identity. For the most part, twins and multiples probably enjoy being together, but there will also be times of tension. Often, it begins in toddlerhood, when young children lack the communication skills to express their feelings and desires and instead lash out physically. They may bite or pull the hair of their co-multiple. There are numerous strategies for managing conflict between multiples. What is effective for one family is less useful for another. But there are some basic guidelines that you can adapt and modify based on your multiples’ ages and circumstances.

How to Handle Twins Fighting

Strategies for defusing rivalry and fighting between your twins include the following:

Strive for Neutrality

One strategy is to employ neutrality. Avoid an impression of favoritism by utilizing neutral systems for establishing rules and guidelines within your family. For example, chore charts can identify and track each child’s responsibilities. Color-coding or labeling establishes ownership of possessions to reduce squabbles. Take turns by days of the week to designate privileges or conduct schedules, for example, Twin A goes first on even days and Twin B goes first on odd days.

Validate Feelings

Acknowledge and validate feelings; condemn bad behavior, not the person. Communicate with your multiples to determine the feelings behind the behavior. Help them to work out an alternative behavior to accomplish their goals. “Were you jealous of your of your sister because she had a toy you wanted? It’s understandable to be jealous, but it is not okay to take the toy away from her. Instead, can you ask her if she will share it with you when she’s done?”

Set Expectations

Establish and reinforce expectations of respect among family members; offer praise when it is exhibited, and discipline with appropriate consequences when it is violated.

Establish boundaries

Establish healthy boundaries between the twins to provide opportunities for individual privacy and possessions.

Listen to Both Sides

Create a safe environment for healthy disagreement by listening to both parties and responding.

Give Them Space

Utilize time-outs, both for kids and the objects of their disagreement. If they are fighting over a toy, put the toy in time out until they can work out an arrangement to play together or share it. Sometimes, squabbles originate simply because multiples need a break from each other. However, they can’t always articulate this need. Too much togetherness is tedious for anyone! When the fighting ramps up, split them up. Send them to separate corners or even separate rooms. Arrange separate play dates and spend one-on-one time with each child. Time out can be a tool and does not have to be a punishment.

Aim for Them to Work It Out

Intervene minimally. Act as a mediator when necessary, but allow your multiples to resolve conflicts between themselves.

Keep Perspective

This stage will likley pass. Sibling conflict is normal and sometimes beneficial. Despite the aggravation it causes now, they will most likely grow up to be very close. And they’ll learn some negotiating skills along the way.

A Word From Verywell

Finally, let go of your expectation that everything will be harmonious, fair, and equal between your multiples. It’s an impossible quest, but a pattern that is very easy to fall into when parenting multiples. From the outset, you feel compelled to “do for one, do for the other.” While that may be reasonable when caring for newborns, it quickly becomes burdensome and unfairly presents your multiples with an expectation of entitlement. While you love them equally, life will not treat them equally. Children need to understand that there will be situations when one receives advantages over the other, but that the tables will turn in time.