Public schools rely on average, below average, or above-average test scores to identify how well a group of students learns. In some cases, students may be compared to their peers in the school district, county or state. Other times, school officials distinguish average students from others to see who’s on grade level or how well an individual child performs in school compared to classmates on nationally normed tests.

What Does Average Mean?

In special education, average test scores are particularly useful in standardized evaluations and in tests designed by teachers. Educators determine the average by adding a set of numbers and dividing the sum by the total number of numerals used in calculating that sum, also known as the mean. Anyone who’s been graded on a curve likely knows the concept well. Teachers and specialists can use averages to determine the “middle” group of test-takers. So how do educators proceed once they’ve identified the average?

How Educators Use Average Scores

Teachers and specialists may use averages to monitor the rate at which the class is learning the material. Teachers also use averages to estimate where an individual student’s scores place them in relation to the rest of the class. This is especially important for students with learning disabilities. Educators may also use averages to measure how an individual students’ abilities rate on tests used to diagnose learning disabilities.

Alternative Methods

Sometimes educators and analysts use other methods to identify an average score. Rather than the mean, they may refer to the median, or the 50th percentile, which represents the score in the exact middle of the list of numbers. If your child scores in the 60th percentile, then they have performed better than 60% of test-takers. You might have learned about finding the mean or median of a set of numbers in math class. They may be used interchangeably with the term “average,” but mean and median can be very different numbers, so take care when calculating.

Examples of Averages

Want an example of an average? See if you can figure out the mean test score with the following information. Suppose six students scored 72, 75, 78, 82, 84, and 92 on a test. To calculate the average, add the test scores together and divide the sum (483) by six. The average score would be 80.5. Anyone with basic math skills can determine an average. If you are trying to find the median of the same set of numbers, you would identify the exact middle score. Since there is an even amount of numbers and thus no exact middle, you average the two middle scores (78 and 82) to arrive at a median of 80. In this case, the mean and median are very close, but that is not always the case.

Factors That Affect Test Scores

If your child scores below average on a standardized test, don’t panic. A number of factors could have produced this result. As you’ve likely heard for many years, eating well and getting a good night’s sleep before a standardized test can influence scores. If you are concerned this may be a problem, talk to your child’s teacher. There are a number of ways in which you may able to get around test anxiety so that your child’s scores truly reflect her understanding of the content of the test.

Learning More About Test Scores

If your child is struggling, you may need to understand more about test scores. For example, teachers use what is known as a standard deviation to describe students who fall outside of the 68 percent of scores which are described as below average, average, and above average.

What to Do If Your Child Needs Help

If your child performs below average on a test or you find out that your child has learning difficulties in a subject area, it’s important to get the child the help needed. Early intervention can prevent your child’s struggles from worsening. If you don’t understand what is being said about test scores, ask questions. You are your child’s greatest advocate and it’s important for you to understand both what your child’s teachers are saying, and any plan they devise to help your child succeed.