Your Baby’s Development at 30 Weeks

At 30 weeks, a baby is around 10 3/4 inches (27.4 centimeters) from the top of their head to the bottom of their buttocks (known as the crown-rump length), and baby’s height is about 15 1/4 inches (38.9 centimeters) from the top of their head to their heel (crown-heel length). This week, baby weighs over 3 1/4 pounds (1,523 grams). Which Trimester? Third trimester How Many Weeks to Go? 10 weeks

Gaining Weight

By week 30, your baby’s major body systems are all formed and are in the process of maturing. Now it is time for the baby to start gaining weight very quickly to prepare for life outside the womb.

Hiccups and the Brain

Your baby has probably been getting the hiccups for a while. But, they are especially common in the last trimester of pregnancy. Those little rhythmic movements are contractions of the respiratory muscles. Studies show that as early as 10 weeks before delivery, hiccups stimulate the brain and may play an important part in its development.

Survival Outside the Womb

At 30 weeks, a baby is still very preterm. However, a baby’s chance of survival continues to rise and the risk of the major disabilities associated with prematurity declines. With special care in the NICU after delivery, survival at 30 weeks is as high as 98%. Explore a few of your baby’s week 30 milestones in this interactive experience.

Your Common Symptoms This Week

Along with other third-trimester symptoms like Braxton Hicks contractions, fatigue, and swelling, you may also find that yourself dealing with the return of emotional symptoms like mood swings and new physical symptoms like wrist discomfort.

Mood Swings

Another first-trimester symptom that may return during the third trimester is mood swings. Disrupted sleep, physical discomfort, worry/excitement about labor and parenthood, body image concerns, and many other issues can contribute to changing emotions and moods.

Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is often associated with repetitive computer work, but it’s also a common problem in pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. Up to 62% of expecting parents report symptoms of CTS. Pregnancy-related weight gain and water retention can put pressure on the median nerve in your wrist causing pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness in your hands and fingers. It can also make grasping objects difficult.

Self-Care Tips

Caring for yourself mentally and physically is important throughout pregnancy, but with the third trimester, you may find that you need a little extra support to feel your best.

Caring for Your Mental Health

Emotional ups-and-downs are an expected part of pregnancy and just having that knowledge may help you feel a little better. But it’s also important to do what you can to support your mental and emotional well-being—for both you and your baby. Some simple things you can do to help care for your mental health include:

Finding a comfortable position to get some rest at night.Eating healthy, balanced meals throughout the day.Engaging in some safe physical activity.Spending some quality time socializing your partner, family, and friends.Asking for help and support when you need it.Talking to your doctor or a mental health care provider about how you’re feeling.

Dealing With Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common problem during the third trimester, which means you may want to take a break from activities that require repetitive hand movements and keep an eye on your symptoms to share with your doctor. To help quell the uncomfortable feelings associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, try to:

Take a break from activities that require repetitive hand movements, such as using the computer or crafting.Splint your wrist in a neutral position to reduce pressure on the nerve. (This can be especially helpful at night since many people unknowingly sleep with their wrists bent, which causes symptoms to flare and disturb rest.)Talk to your healthcare provider about hand stretching and strengthening exercises.Speak to your healthcare provider about safe pain medication, physical therapy, or other treatments if your symptoms worsen.

Advice for Partners

Have you practiced your route to the hospital or birthing center yet? Do you have an alternate-route plan if needed? Now’s the time to get prepared and practice your route to the hospital or birthing center so you’re prepared to make the trip when the time comes. As you consider your travel plans, be sure to learn about where to check in inside the hospital or birthing center during regular hours and after hours, as well as when it’s time to head out. If you haven’t done so yet, talk to your partner and their healthcare provider about pre-registration with the hospital, which can help make the check-in process easier when the time comes.

At Your Doctor’s Office

During your routine prenatal exam this week, your doctor will:

Take your weight and blood pressure Have you provide a urine sample Discuss your symptoms Examine your body for swelling Listen for your baby’s heartbeat Measure your fundal height (which should be at approximately 30 centimeters, give or take a couple of centimeters). Answer your questions.


If you’re carrying twins or multiples, you are at greater risk of premature labor than your singleton pregnancy counterparts. As a result, your provider will likely monitor your pregnancy and your babies’ growth more closely. You may also have some additional tests such as more frequent ultrasounds, a non-stress test, or a biophysical profile.

Special Considerations

Blood from your baby’s umbilical cord and placenta contains stem cells. These special blood cells can be used to treat many diseases including cancer. You have the option of having this blood collected, frozen, and stored after the birth of your baby. In some situations, such as a high-risk pregnancy, your doctor may order additional testing after 32 weeks. These tests can include:

Contraction stress test Fetal non-stress test (NST) Biophysical profile Modified biophysical profile Doppler of umbilical artery

Cord Blood Banking

There are pros and cons of collecting your baby’s cord blood. The major downside for most parents is the cost. However, if you have a family member with a health issue who would benefit from your child’s cord blood, it may be the right choice for you. Your healthcare provider can help you make the right decision for your family. You may choose to forgo collecting and storing your child’s cord blood for your family’s personal use, but hate to see the health benefits go to waste. Another option is to donate your cord blood to a public bank. Public storage banks do not charge you, and they provide the cord blood to anyone who needs it and is a match.

A Word From Verywell

With prenatal appointments every two weeks and more to consider as your near your expected due date, things can start to feel a little more hectic. To keep yourself organized and feeling in control, try keeping some lists like things to bring up at your next prenatal visit, things you want to accomplish, and things you can delegate to your partner or supportive friends and family.