Some of these milestones will have more psychological than medical significance. With certain milestone moments, your odds of miscarriage will actually drop once you’ve passed that point in pregnancy. If your doctor checks and doesn’t find it when you’re just 9 or 10 weeks, it may just be too early. If you plan to rent a Doppler for home use, consider waiting until your doctor has found the heartbeat during a prenatal checkup so you know whether it should be audible yet. (Discuss any plans to rent a Doppler machine with your doctor—and be aware that using one at home will not be as reliable as when used by professionals.) If your previous pregnancy loss occurred after the first trimester, you may still be feeling anxious. Finishing the first trimester is nevertheless a good sign and an important step in the direction of having a healthy baby. This screening confirms that the baby’s organs have formed normally and that there are no clear signs of congenital health problems. In the event that problems are detected, parents can get an idea of how serious they might be and whether there is cause for concern or if further diagnostic testing is needed. Movements may be sporadic in the early weeks, but near the beginning of the third trimester, your care provider will probably suggest you begin tracking the baby’s movement with some form of kick counts. Monitoring your baby’s daily kicks can be reassuring and help you feel connected to your growing baby. If your pregnancy is high risk for preterm delivery, every week is an important milestone from here. Take solace in knowing that the odds of a good outcome increase significantly with each passing day. If you suffered a late loss in your previous pregnancy, depending on the circumstances, your doctor may recommend having an induction or a c-section once you’ve reached 37 weeks. While you’re likely to feel more than ready to meet your baby by 40 weeks, know that healthy pregnancies may extend a week or so past your due date—sometimes even to 42 weeks. Depending on your medical needs and personal preference, your doctor may give you delivery options or recommendations, including waiting for labor to happen on its own or getting induced.

A Word From Verywell

If you’re reading this at a point that the idea of ever meeting your baby feels like a distant dream, take heart. Know that once you get there, everything you’re going through right now will feel worth it ten times over.